monthly tips by member

October | 2023

Alamo Alarm  (Richard Ross)

Stockton Letip  (Stockton, CA)

ID From To Date Type Amt
575605 Alamo Alarm  California Pest Control  10/16/2023  $80.00 
575731 Alamo Alarm  De Vega Brothers  10/23/2023  $295.00 
575894 Alamo Alarm  Tholborn & Ostrowski  10/30/2023  $250.00 
575904 Alamo Alarm  Sachs insurance  10/30/2023  $63.00 
 Tip Count: 4  Total Dollars Given: $688.00 

ID From To Date Type Amt
575606 Radiate  Alamo Alarm  10/16/2023   
575615 Republic Services  Alamo Alarm  10/16/2023  $44.00 
575619 De Vega Brothers  Alamo Alarm  10/16/2023  $46.00 
575720 Radiate  Alamo Alarm  10/23/2023  $272.00 
575721 Radiate  Alamo Alarm  10/23/2023  $272.00 
575723 Queirolo Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.  Alamo Alarm  10/23/2023  $48.00 
575728 Radiate  Alamo Alarm  10/23/2023  $619.22 
575730 McKeever Real Estate  Alamo Alarm  10/23/2023  $44.00 
575858 Tholborn & Ostrowski  Alamo Alarm  10/24/2023  $80.00 
575859 Tholborn & Ostrowski  Alamo Alarm  10/24/2023  $169.00 
575860 Tholborn & Ostrowski  Alamo Alarm  10/24/2023  $49.00 
575893 Sachs insurance  Alamo Alarm  10/30/2023  $63.00 
575903 Property Management Experts  Alamo Alarm  10/30/2023   
576004 De Vega Brothers  Alamo Alarm  10/31/2023  $100.00 
 Tip Count: 14  Total Dollars Received: $1,806.22